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  • Query LLM logs with text-to-SQL

Query LLM logs with text-to-SQL

Free up to 100k requests per month

Velvet is an AI gateway that warehouses LLM requests to your database. Use logs to analyze cost, evaluate models, and generate fine-tuning datasets.

Our data copilot makes it really easy to query logs with SQL. For example:

  • Show logs for features using gpt-4o-mini

  • Calculate the cost of using OpenAI's Batch API

  • Identify all requests that returned errors

Watch this demo video to see how it works.

2 lines of code to get started

Velvet is a proxy to warehouse LLM requests to your database. Use the AI gateway to analyze and optimize AI features. Just 2 lines of code to get started!

Free up to 100k requests / month

Use Velvet free up to 100k requests per month. Get started quickly with a hosted database, or connect your own PostgreSQL database.

Start warehousing every AI request | Read the docs